Can I Merge Two Microsoft Accounts


May 15, 2020 Methods to Merge Office 365 Accounts. In general, Microsoft doesn’t provide any manual solution to merge Office 365 accounts. However, you can use two accounts side-by-side, which is not an ideal option for every business. So, what you can do is merge PST files of Office 365 accounts with the help of Kernel Merge PST tool.

Duplicate rows can creep into your data when you or others enter data manually or import data in bulk. Microsoft Dataverse helps you address potential duplicates by providing duplicate detection for active rows such as, accounts and contacts. When you merge a row any related or child rows will also be merged. Your administrator may also set up duplicate detection rules for other situations.

If you add the same Microsoft 365 subscription to your Microsoft account, you’ll have the same subscription benefits (same number of Microsoft 365 devices you can sign in to and the same amount of Skype minutes and OneDrive storage) as before. Fortunately, you can now merge Microsoft Outlook Calendars. There are a couple of ways to do this. One method is to use copy and paste. Copy and Paste to Merge Microsoft Outlook Calendars. First, open the calendar by selecting the icon at the bottom of the screen. Two or more companies who are active Microsoft partners and have accounts in Partner Center can choose to merge their accounts. What happens when two partners elect to merge their Partner Center accounts The partner organization who initiates the merge will be the Partner global account (PGA).

For example, let's say you enter a contact row, Jim Glynn, along with a mobile phone number. The duplicate detection rule discovers that you already have a similar row, and displays this dialog box.

You're not sure if this is a new row (one that happens to have the same name as an existing contact) or a duplicate, so you select Ignore And Save.

Next, you go to the All Contacts list and see that now you have two rows with the same name. After reviewing the rows, you determine that they're duplicates that need to be merged.

Dataverse includes duplicate detection rules for accounts and contacts. These rules are automatically turned on, so you don’t have to do anything to set up duplicate detection for these row types.


If available on your system, you may also be able to check for duplicates of other row types, in addition to contacts and accounts. Check with your system administrator. Find your administrator or support person

How to merge duplicate rows

  1. Select the duplicate rows, and then select Merge.

  2. In the Merge Rows dialog box, select the master row (the one you want to keep), and then select any columns in the new row that you want to merge into the master row. Data in these columns may override the existing data in the master row. Select OK.

There are a few situations when duplicates may be found:

  • When a row is created or updated.
  • When you're using Dynamics 365 for Outlook and you go from offline to online.
  • When you import data using the Import Data wizard.
  • Duplicates aren't detected when you merge rows, save an activity as completed, or change the status of a row, such as activating or reactivating a row.


If a column or control matches any of the following conditions, it will not show up in the merge dialog:

  • The containing section is invisible in form descriptor or form XML regardless whether the section shows up in runtime. It is possible to show it using the client API.
  • The control does not have a class property.
  • The column's metadata ValidForUpdate is False.
  • The control is Quick Form Collection Control or Reference Panel Quick Form Collection Control.
  • The column's metadata ValidForUpdate is False.
  • The column is Choice or MultiSelectPickList and it has either a parent choice or child choice column.
  • The column is parentaccountid on the Account table; this is a system setting and cannot be changed.
  • The column is parentcustomerid on the Contact Table; this is a system setting and cannot be changed


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Microsoft provides a hierarchy of organizations, subscriptions, licenses, and user accounts for consistent use of identities and billing across its cloud offerings:

  • Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Office 365
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365

Elements of the hierarchy

Here are the elements of the hierarchy:



An organization represents a business entity that is using Microsoft cloud offerings, typically identified by one or more public Domain Name System (DNS) domain names, such as The organization is a container for subscriptions.


A subscription is an agreement with Microsoft to use one or more Microsoft cloud platforms or services, for which charges accrue based on either a per-user license fee or on cloud-based resource consumption.

  • Microsoft's Software as a Service (SaaS)-based cloud offerings (Microsoft 365 and Dynamics 365) charge per-user license fees.
  • Microsoft's Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud offerings (Azure) charge based on cloud resource consumption.

You can also use a trial subscription, but the subscription expires after a specific amount of time or consumption charges. You can convert a trial subscription to a paid subscription.

Organizations can have multiple subscriptions for Microsoft's cloud offerings. Figure 1 shows a single organization that has multiple Microsoft 365 subscriptions, a Dynamics 365 subscription, and multiple Azure subscriptions.

Figure 1: Example of multiple subscriptions for an organization


For Microsoft's SaaS cloud offerings, a license allows a specific user account to use the services of the cloud offering. You are charged a fixed monthly fee as part of your subscription. Administrators assign licenses to individual user accounts in the subscription. For the example in Figure 2, the Contoso Corporation has a Microsoft 365 E5 subscription with 100 licenses, which allows to up to 100 individual user accounts to use Microsoft 365 E5 features and services.

Figure 2: Licenses within the SaaS-based subscriptions for an organization


A security best practice is to use separate user accounts that are assigned specific roles for administrative functions. These dedicated administrator accounts do not need to be assigned a license for the cloud services that they administer. For example, a SharePoint administrator account does not need to be assigned a Microsoft 365 license.

For Azure PaaS-based cloud services, software licenses are built into the service pricing.

For Azure IaaS-based virtual machines, additional licenses to use the software or application installed on a virtual machine image might be required. Some virtual machine images have licensed versions of software installed and the cost is included in the per-minute rate for the server. Examples are the virtual machine images for SQL Server 2014 and SQL Server 2016.

Some virtual machine images have trial versions of applications installed and need additional software application licenses for use beyond the trial period. For example, the SharePoint Server 2016 Trial virtual machine image includes a trial version of SharePoint Server 2016 pre-installed. To continue using SharePoint Server 2016 after the trial expiration date, you must purchase a SharePoint Server 2016 license and client licenses from Microsoft. These charges are separate from the Azure subscription and the per-minute rate to run the virtual machine still applies.

User accounts

How Do I Link Two Microsoft Accounts

User accounts for all of Microsoft's cloud offerings are stored in an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenant, which contains user accounts and groups. An Azure AD tenant can be synchronized with your existing Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) accounts using Azure AD Connect, a Windows server-based service. This is known as directory synchronization.

Figure 3 shows an example of multiple subscriptions of an organization using a common Azure AD tenant that contains the organization's accounts.

Figure 3: Multiple subscriptions of an organization that use the same Azure AD tenant


For SaaS cloud offerings, the tenant is the regional location that houses the servers providing cloud services. For example, the Contoso Corporation chose the European region to host its Microsoft 365, EMS, and Dynamics 365 subscriptions for the 15,000 workers in their Paris headquarters.

Azure PaaS services and virtual machine-based workloads hosted in Azure IaaS can have tenancy in any Azure datacenter across the world. You specify the Azure datacenter, known as the location, when you create the Azure PaaS app or service or element of an IaaS workload.

An Azure AD tenant is a specific instance of Azure AD containing accounts and groups. Paid or trial subscriptions of Microsoft 365 or Dynamics 365 include a free Azure AD tenant. This Azure AD tenant does not include other Azure services and is not the same as an Azure trial or paid subscription.

Summary of the hierarchy

Here is a quick recap:

Can I Merge Two Microsoft Accounts Together

  • An organization can have multiple subscriptions

    • A subscription can have multiple licenses

    • Licenses can be assigned to individual user accounts

    • User accounts are stored in an Azure AD tenant

Here is an example of the relationship of organizations, subscriptions, licenses, and user accounts:

  • An organization identified by its public domain name.

    • A Microsoft 365 E3 subscription with user licenses.

      A Microsoft 365 E5 subscription with user licenses.

      A Dynamics 365 subscription with user licenses.

      Multiple Azure subscriptions.

    • The organization's user accounts in a common Azure AD tenant.

Multiple Microsoft cloud offering subscriptions can use the same Azure AD tenant that acts as a common identity provider. A central Azure AD tenant that contains the synchronized accounts of your on-premises AD DS provides cloud-based Identity as a Service (IDaaS) for your organization.

Figure 4: Synchronized on-premises accounts and IDaaS for an organization

Figure 4 shows how a common Azure AD tenant is used by Microsoft's SaaS cloud offerings, Azure PaaS apps, and virtual machines in Azure IaaS that use Azure AD Domain Services. Azure AD Connect synchronizes the on-premises AD DS forest with the Azure AD tenant.

Combining subscriptions for multiple Microsoft cloud offerings

The following table describes how you can combine multiple Microsoft cloud offerings based on already having a subscription for one type of cloud offering (the labels going down the first column) and adding a subscription for a different cloud offering (going across the columns).

Microsoft 365AzureDynamics 365
Microsoft 365
You add an Azure subscription to your organization from the Azure portal.
You add a Dynamics 365 subscription to your organization from the Microsoft 365 admin center.
You add a Microsoft 365 subscription to your organization.
You add a Dynamics 365 subscription to your organization.
Dynamics 365
You add a Microsoft 365 subscription to your organization.
You add an Azure subscription to your organization from the Azure portal.

An easy way to add subscriptions to your organization for Microsoft SaaS-based services is through the admin center:

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft 365 admin center ( with your global administrator account.

  2. From the left navigation of the Admin center home page, click Billing, and then Purchase services.

  3. On the Purchase services page, purchase your new subscriptions.

The admin center assigns the organization and Azure AD tenant of your Microsoft 365 subscription to the new subscriptions for SaaS-based cloud offerings.

To add an Azure subscription with the same organization and Azure AD tenant as your Microsoft 365 subscription:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal ( with your Microsoft 365 global administrator account.

  2. In the left navigation, click Subscriptions, and then click Add.

  3. On the Add subscription page, select an offer and complete the payment information and agreement.

If you purchased Azure and Microsoft 365 subscriptions separately and want to access the Microsoft 365 Azure AD tenant from your Azure subscription, see the instructions in Add an existing Azure subscription to your Azure Active Directory tenant.

See also

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