Whatsapp Todoist

Try top apps made using WEB2DESK

Sample Apps

Todoist is an online task management app and todo list. With Todoist, users can organize, schedule, maintain and prioritize personal tasks. Todoist helps me organize all my writing projects. And that makes it an indispensable tool both in business and in life.

Features of WEB2DESK

Top Features

Supported Platforms

You can create Desktop app for your favourite operating system. Desktop app is supported in Windows, Mac and Linux. Choose the OS you want to run your Desktop App.

Frequent websites/urls to Desktop apps

Ease your effort by appifying your frequently used websites/urls. Be it Product Hunt, Intercom,.. or custom URLs(web.whatsapp.com,..). Remove the hassle it takes to navigate between those apps.


Desktop Apps for your favorite websites

Create Desktop apps for your favorite websites. Get apps for YouTube channels, social media and your favorite music websites.

Personalised Applications

Customise your app your ways. Any app name for any website/URL. Get personalised websites/urls into desktop apps in just a click.

For Personal use only, use Web2Desk Business for Business usage

Todoist Web App

Todoist windows 10

Whatsapp Todo List

Rebuilding a famous app is a good way to learn how to build and customise a more complex UI. We will create parts of the Todoist application today!

In this course we’ll be looking at:

Todoist Windows 10 Download

  • Working with Capacitor data storage
  • Building a custom tag input
  • Using Popovers
  • Adding drag & drop functionality
  • Custom gestures and animations
  • Implementing a search

Todoist Log In

Of course we are not rebuilding the whole Todoist app, and we are also not using any real backend but only local stored values. But we are building out some pretty cool functionality!