Pass By Meaning

Pass someone by, pass by someoneHappen without being noticed or fully experienced by someone. ‘sometimes I feel that life is passing me by’. More example sentences. ‘If you are not accustomed to being up at this hour, it's one of those pleasures in life that is passing you by.’. ‘In a fret about how life is passing us by, we feel compelled to draw up a list of all our faults and failures.’. To get ahead of. To refuse, or to vote against. (of time) To pass. Relieve, absolve.

Context examples

If we make haste, we shall pass by them presently, and I am dying to show you my hat.

(Northanger Abbey, by Jane Austen)

She would certainly pass by, for that way led home.

(Martin Eden, by Jack London)

So afraid you might have a headache!—seeing you pass by so often, and knowing how much trouble you must have.

(Emma, by Jane Austen)

Florence is the largest asteroid to pass by our planet this close since the NASA program to detect and track near-Earth asteroids began.

(Biggest Asteroid Ever Detected Flies Past Earth, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)

To pass by; having passed by.

(Elapse, NCI Thesaurus)

But on their way home they had to pass by the hazel-tree that Ashputtel had planted; and on the branch sat a little dove singing.

(Fairy Tales, by The Brothers Grimm)

On Oct. 12 EDT (Oct. 11 PDT), a small asteroid designated 2012 TC4 will safely pass by Earth at a distance of approximately 26,000 miles (42,000 kilometers).

(Asteroid Tracking Network Observes Close Approach, NASA)

Yet a chance traveller might pass by; and I wish no eye to see me now: strangers would wonder what I am doing, lingering here at the sign-post, evidently objectless and lost.

(Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë)

The next pass by the rings' outer edges is planned for Dec. 11.

(Over Saturn's Turbulent North, NASA)

Florence is the largest asteroid to pass by our planet this close since the NASA program to detect and track near-Earth asteroids began.

(Large Asteroid to Safely Pass Earth on Sept. 1, NASA)

Pass By Meaning

late 13c., passen (transitive), 'to go by (something),' also 'to cross over,' from Old French passer 'to pass' (11c.), from Vulgar Latin *passare 'to step, walk, pass' (source also of Spanish pasar, Italian passare), from Latin passus 'step, pace' (from PIE root *pete- 'to spread').

Intransitive sense of 'to go on, to move forward, make one's way' is attested from c. 1300. The figurative sense of 'to experience, undergo' (as in pass the time) is recorded from late 14c. Sense of 'to go through an examination successfully' is from early 15c. Meaning 'decline to do something' is attested from 1869, originally in cards (euchre). In football, hockey, soccer, etc., the meaning 'to transfer the ball or puck to another player' is from c. 1865. Related: Passed; passing.

The meaning 'to be thought to be something one is not' (especially in a racial sense) is from 1935, from pass oneself off(as), which is attested by 1809. The general verb sense of 'to be accepted as equivalent' is from 1590s. Pass up 'decline, refuse' is attested from 1896. Pass the buck is from 1865, said to be poker slang reference to the buck horn-handled knife that was passed around to signify whose turn it was to deal. Pass the hat 'seek contributions' is from 1762. Pass-fail as a grading method is attested from 1955, American English.

pass (n.1)

'mountain defile,' c. 1300, from Old French pas 'step, track, passage,' from Latin passus 'step, pace' (from PIE root *pete- 'to spread').

pass (n.2)

'written permission to pass into, or through, a place,' 1590s, from pass (v.). Sense of 'ticket for a free ride or admission' is by 1838. In cards, 'the act of declining to make a bid,' by 1923 in bridge. Colloquial make a pass 'offer an amorous advance' is recorded by 1928, perhaps from a sporting sense (football, fencing). Phrase come to pass 'be carried out or accomplished' (late 15c.) uses the word with a sense of 'completion, accomplishment.'

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